Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Birthday season is upon us!

All our antenatal babies are turning Two! The first birthday was at the start of April and there are 10 in the group, all scattered through until about the middle of June. We've gotten smart and instead of buying everyone a small, cheap present we are all pitching in and buying a quality gift from the group. We are lucky enough to have the brains behind chocolate+chilli as a member of the group so have easy access to some absolutely gorgeous gift ideas (we've agreed mums can choose/suggest what the kids need/want). I totally confess to have fallen in love with several items including the toddler bags and the "me + you = happy" tee :D

Ok so that wasn't meant to be a total plug lol but thats the way it turned out. Don't worry I have a deliberate and shameless plug coming up in the next post!

Back to birthdays, my wonderful mother in law (MIL) has offered to cook me/us dinner for my birthday (May 5th). I asked her if she'd mind looking after the boys so hubby and I can have a night out so she's going to have Morgan the whole night and Jack for a few hours (I won't inflict Jack upon her overnight he wakes at least twice still between 12-6am! and I know she doesn't cope too well with disturbed nights) and has offered to shout us to the movies as a present :D How lovely is that - I get a date! A night out!

Morgan turns Two on May 10th. I'm already planning how to get my cake on and have learned a lot from last year, ie bake the cake a week before hand and freeze it if you need to - DON'T try to ice a sponge cake with butter icing it flakes and crumbles right through the icing lol. In saying that, heres a couple of pics from last year and overall I don't think I did to badly (improvisations included)

Side view (in the pantry lol)
Front view (in the pantry lol)

Thats me in the black dress. In the grey is Aunty Haley.

This year I'm going to attempt an Ark (as in Noahs Ark). My mum has the fisher price little peoples toy and Morgan just loves it, the first thing he grabs when we go visit so I thought I'd give it my best shot. I'm going to use the basic boat pattern from the womens weekly cake book and the animals will be toys lol. *fingers crossed* I promise photos!! You can see how well I do (or not lol).


  1. love the train... I made a train and carriages for Cam's 1st birthday... I'm looking foward to pics of the ark :)

  2. I have complete faith in your cake abilities. Not so much in mind though! I'm a bit nervous about Trin's Birthday in July...
